• dbgrid 에서 다중선택을 할때........
우선 감사하구여

dbgrid 에서 다중선택을 할때 ctrl을 눌러지 않고 마우스 왼쪽만 눌려서
다중선택을 할려면 어떻게 해야 되남여

다시 함더 부탁드리고여 즐코 하세요~~~
  • Profile
    김영대 2003.03.19 07:30
    아래 콤포넌트를 사용해 보세요


    TtaoDbGrid introduces a number of features to improve user interface provided by TDBGrid.

    The user can select a single cell (with a mouse click), a range of records (with Shift+Click), multiple records (with Ctrl+Click) in the same mode.
    Vertical scrolling is more intuitive. Records are scrolled line-by-line when the user clicks a scroll arrow on the vertical scroll bar. The indicator stays on the same row when the user scrolls records page-by-page with scroll bar. Scroll thumb tracking with sequenced datasets.
    Using a mouse equipped with a wheel, the user can scroll records line-by-line or, when holding down the Ctrl key, page-by-page.